If cancellation is made two (2) weeks or more prior to the camp session, the fee, less the deposit will be refunded.

If less than two (2) weeks prior to the camp session, there is NO refund except for medical emergencies.In cases of medical emergencies, a note from the attending doctor will be required indicating the reason(s) why the camper must not attend the camp session for the health and safety of themselves or others. There is no refund for campers who withdraw from camp for any reason during the camp session, or who are sent home for disciplinary or medical reasons. Deposits and fees are non-transferable.

Bring your siblings to camp and save!

Deduct $25 for the second and any additional siblings, when two or more attend camp (excluding Mini-Mee & Youth Retreats). All registrations must be sent together.

This discount DOES NOT apply to children registering through agencies.

Save 10% off the regular rate when you sign up by April 30th!

We MUST receive your completed Registration Form, AND payment (either deposit or in full) by April 30th for this rate to apply.

Just one more way to help make camp more affordable!

Registering for more than one session is possible, however

in the interest of getting as many kids to camp as possible, for at least one week, we ask that you register for the first session and we will put the child on a waitlist for the second session. Two weeks prior to the second session we will see if there are available spots and if so, gladly register the child for the second session as well. Payment for the second session will then be collected in full at that time. The fee (Early Bird or Regular) is based upon when the registration was submitted (ie. if you submitted your registration during the Early Bird time period, you will get the Early Bird rate at the time payment is collected)

Please note that if a child were, for example, to register for both “Junior” sessions, the program is the same for both those weeks. The games will likely be the same, the schedule, etc. Your child should be made aware that it will be similar and therefore familiar, but for most of the other campers, it will be their first week and they are looking forward to the surprises and excitement of the unknown. Please encourage your child to not be telling the other kids what is going to happen, ahead of time, as can sometimes happen.

Also note, that anyone registering for back to back sessions will still need to leave camp in between the sessions from the end of the Closing Program until the next Registration start time.

Spending of donor designated funds is confined to programs and projects approved by SBC.

Donations or gifts to SBC which falls outside of SBC’s mission and vision cannot be accepted. Each restricted contribution designated towards and approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by SBC, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most.

Sign up for more info!